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About us

Hi There :) I wanted to take a moment to introduce myself to let you know what we are all about at PRe-LOV-eD CONSIGNMeNT.  My name is Phoebe, I’m in my 40’s, I've worked in retail all of my life. I love clothes and if some one asked me what " style" I like best, my answer would be ALL OF IT!  I've always found it hard to swallow and hard to justify paying over $40 dollars for one shirt (like you would in your local mall) and I always wondered how people manage to have a full wardrobe of clothes at those prices?  I wanted a lot of clothes, I wanted them to be nice, and I wanted name brand.  Thus began my life long love of consignment shops, second hand city boutiques and yes, even good will.  Because, the saying, " another persons trash, is another person's treasure" is TRUE!  You would be amazed at the items people don't want anymore. They are items that were never used, worn once at a function, the wrong size and never returned and very well taken care of because they were loved.  These aren't just "used" or "second hand" or "pre-owned" or "hand me down”, they're "PRE-LOV-eD".  I'm addicted to finding pre-loved items and now I want to bring them to you in one easy, click of the button, shopping experience.  Have a look through my store and come back frequently because I will be adding items as I find them. I hope you find something exciting, something you never thought you would own because I’m excited to make them obtainable for you.  THANK YOU KINDLY FOR VISITING.





Phoebe xoxo  


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